Thursday, 17 September 2009

Starting out...

I've long wanted to start a little food based blog and, inspired by reading Julie & Julia, I've finally taken the plunge!  ;o)  I'm not a foodie, I don't have bags of food knowledge but I like to cook and I love to bake, I want to learn, expand my cooking skills, try new foods and new recipes and share it all on here.  ;o) 

My husband likes to garden.  ;o)  Earlier this year he saved some seeds from a squash I'd had in the box of organic veg I have delivered every week.  He planted some of them and after some due care and attention a lone baby squash appeared and grew into a monster!  I wasn't sure what sort of squash it was but, with a little research, I have discovered that it's a Turks Turban squash.  Apparently they're often grown as ornamental squashes but I can attest that they're good to eat!  ;o)  I peeled and chopped some squash and roasted it in a little oil with chestnut mushrooms and smoked paprika, yummmmeeeee!  Here it is:
I need to find some more squash recipes to try as this squash is a huge beast and even though I made some cumin laced soup with it yesterday (squash makes the most velvety sexy smooth soups!) I still have more than half of it to get through!

1 comment:

Sheilagh said...

Looks delicious:0)
I am looking forward to some inspiration for healthy deicious food from you my dear.
