Friday, 3 February 2012

Use It Up Challenge January Review

A little behind here (well, a vast one but that's another matter!  Lol) but catching up on my January of using stuff up.  :o)

In the last week of January my total grocery shop was £10.36 which comprised:
  • milk  £3.48
  • cheese  £4.38
  • bread flour  60p
  • margarine  £1.90
I also have to add to that a box of organic veg as I forgot to cancel my order!  I usually have a box every other week but hadn't had any for a good while and then had a Swiss cheese moment at the eleventh hour of the challenge!  This added £15.95 to my weekly food bill but I confess it has been fabulous to have all the fresh veg.  :o)

So, my total spend for the whole of January has been £58.66.  On my usual budget I would have spent £240 so I am pretty pleased with that and, even better, I still have looooooooads of stuff yet to use up.  :oD  My daughter, bless her, has valiantly struggled along without some of her most favourite things to eat during January and my husband has been uncomplaining of some of the odd meals he's been dished up!  Having got to the end of January I will be relaxing my grip slightly just to keep the family home harmonious!  I will still be working hard to keep my spending as low as possible though and I will carefully consider any requests for inclusions on the weekly shopping list but they may have to state their case before an item is approved!  Lol

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