Wednesday, 7 October 2009

One size fits all

I made pizza for dinner this evening.  ;o)  We three have different wants when it comes to the perfect pizza so a bit of creativity is required on my part!  My daughter doesn't like too much tomato topping so her third of the pizza has a very thin layer of said tomatoey goodness, my husband likes anchovies so I added some of those to his generously tomatoed section, and I am on a bit of a health kick (45lbs lost so far) so I have yummy goats cheese on my bit.  ;o)  Everyone's a winner!  For anyone who's interested, I use scone dough for my pizza base instead of the more traditional bread dough.  It's quick and easy and makes for a nice deepish, soft and yummy pizza.  I make my own tomato topping by reducing tinned tomatoes (although this time I used home grown from our garden) with herbs, onions, mushrooms and sometimes carrot or anything else lurking about in the fridge!  Whizz it all up and hey presto, pizza topping!

Food spending today - £2.76 (£1.73 for 4 pints organic whole milk and £1.03 for vanilla rice milk)

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Alan_R said...
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