Friday, 28 May 2010

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

My chickens are really getting into their stride now and so I've had a glut of eggs to use up of late!  This evening I hard boiled eight eggs (they're still quite small) for picnic sandwiches tomorrow and I also made lemon curd for the first time in ages to use a few extra eggs.  I used to dislike lemon curd hugely but my tastes are definitely changing as I get older and I love it now!   There's a recipe for honey curd in the book I used the lemon curd recipe from which I found interesting, never seen that before, worth a try me thinks.  I also want to try passionfruit curd too, yummy!  ;o)


Artygal/Lalheg said...

lime or orange work too, and in the microwave!

Have a great week lovely

artfulzebra said...

A comment! And I thought I was just talking to myself all this time! lol I like the sound of lime. I've got that book you mentioned, the one about making jam in the micro, on request from the library, looking forward to cooking up a jammy storm., ;o)

Artygal/Lalheg said...

Usually I'm too busy wiping the drool from my keyboard to remember leaving a comment - I'll try harder!

The book's great and has made me a lot more adventurous in my jam making as if it's awful you've not wasted lots of money, time, effort or ingredients

artfulzebra said...

No worries, it has to be said I'm a bit random blog comments wise too! I'll take the drool as a compliment though! ;oD

Looking forward to the book arriving, we don't eat pots and pots of jam so making smaller amounts is a very appealing idea.